Power-to-X (PtX) products constitute a promising solution component in the defossilisation of hard-to-abate sectors. Where direct electrification is not possible, they can find application as chemical feedstock, easy to transport energy carriers and storage. In this contribution, a modular system architecture for a highly automated operation of an offshore off-grid PtX production platform consisting of five layers (asset, control, communication, digital, application) is presented. The assumed advantage of such an off-grid platform is the good scalability worldwide as well as easy exploitation of renewable potentials in any location. Using the example of a power-to-methanol process, a simplified prototype is outlined.
Authors: Pascal Häbig, Daniel Dittler, Maximilian Fey, Timo Müller, Nikola Mößner, Nasser Jazdi, Michael Weyrich und Kai Hufendiek
Cite: Häbig, P.; Dittler, D.; Fey, M.; Müller, T.; Mößner, N.; Jazdi, N.; Weyrich, M. and Hufendiek, K. (2024): A Modular System Architecture for an Offshore Off-grid Platform for Climate-neutral Power-to-X Production in H2Mare. In: Procedia CIRP 126, S. 909–914. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2024.08.348.