H2CliP - Hydrogen and Climate Partnership


A new hydrogen network between Canada and Germany as a key component of a climate-neutral energy system.

Project funding

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), National Research Council of Canada (NRC)

Project duration

01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025


In addition to geopolitical shifts affecting security of supply, ambitious climate targets in Canada, the EU and Germany require a fundamental shift in industrial processes to climate-neutral and resilient alternatives. Hydrogen enables the integration of value chains in new ways and is an important step towards climate-neutral supply security. This integration requires new production processes, innovative technologies, energy sources and carriers, resources and materials, as well as the transformation of national and global supply structures, material and energy flows, and the associated value creations.
The overall goal of H2CliP is to develop solutions for the integration of hydrogen into transformation pathways towards carbon neutrality in Canada and Germany, and to elaborate the role of hydrogen as a basis for restructuring industrial value chains. 


There are 6 specific objectives and research questions:
1. Energy system analysis: How can processes in the basic industries and the required energy sources be converted toward climate neutrality and coordinated within an international partnership?
2. Case studies: Exploration of value chains for specific applications.
3. Economic analysis: What possible effects will the restructuring of value chains have on the national economies (GDP, jobs, etc.)? What interdependencies exist with respect to downstream industries and products?
4. Life-cycle-analysis: Will the partnership between Canada and Germany enable the elimination of carbon leakage and that climate targets can be achieved efficiently together?
5. Policy analysis:  What options are there for action by policymakers? To what extent should regulation intervene in the market, such as integration strategies to establish a new hydrogen network for blue and turquoise hydrogen as intermediate steps in blending?
6. Evaluation/feasibility study of a pilot project: What are the impacts and feasibility of a hydrogen network under specific conditions related to power price forecast, electricity mapping, short term electricity planning, integrated system, and then hydrogen distribution over long distances.

No results published yet


This image shows Ulrich Fahl

Ulrich Fahl

Dr. rer. pol.

Head of Research Department

This image shows Jonathan Siegle

Jonathan Siegle


Research Associate

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