In order to support research and teaching, IER has a well-equipped electronical lab and a mechanical workshop. Here, we can record and analyse relevant parameters and build equipment for measurement field trips with our modern technical amenities.
- We collect data on energy demand in buildings, facilities, processes or supply units as basis for energy consulting and expertise.
- We carry out laboratory tests on machines, components and systems
- We inspect power plants in field experiments.
- We identify energy saving potentials e.g. by changing technologies in keeping production parameters or by process comparison.
You can find our services in compressed air technology here: Druckluftlabor.
Measurement Technology
Measurements of electrical and thermal energy demand can be carried out both inside and outside the lab. We can measure the following electric variables:
- Electricity (with or without ripping the lines with clamp-on ammeters)
- Voltage
- Power (reactive power and apparent power)
- Energy
- Frequency
Additionally, we can measure the following variables:
- Temperature (in some cases contact-free)
- Pressure
- Humidity
- Volume flow rate (also without cutting pipes)
- Sound
- Light
- Wind speed
- Air pollutant concentration (also in exhaust)
Data acquisition
We accumulate and save the data with data loggers and computer measurement technology. Depending on the field of application and required accuracy we either use industrial measurement technology or precision measurement technology. At IER we calibrate most of the employed measurement technology with our own precision references.
We at IER can look back on thirty years of experience in the field of energy consulting for communities and companies due to the resources at our lab and workshop. Our customers are for example Daimler, Alcatel-Lucent, Porsche, Dürr, Schwörer, Bosch, RWE as well as communities like Esslingen, Ludwigsburg and Rottenburg.
Contact person

Ralph Schelle
Head of workshop and lab