General information
The NEWAGE-model (National European Worldwide Applied General Equilibrium) is a global, recursive-dynamic general equilibrium model with special focus on the energy sector, especially electricity generation. It serves the macroeconomic analysis of energy and climate policy strategies with regard to their economic impacts. Due to the total analytic framework of the applied general equilibrium approach the interactions on the economic markets can be described in a closed circular flow of income. It helps to register the direct effects in single sectors (e.g. energy economics) as well as indirect feedback effects in the whole economy, which are induced by price related shifts in supply and demand.
Application and further development
NEWAGE has been developed at IER and has been applied in many national and international projects focusing the energy transition. (e.g. recently Kopernikus „ENavi“ and Horizon 2020 „REEEM“). You can find additional information further below in the references.
This model emphasises on:
- a sound technological map of electricity generation
- a profound modelling of different households
- the detailed illustration of a public control and transfer system
modelling different reallocation possibilities in the course of CO2 pricing
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Beestermöller (2016) Beestermöller, R.: „Die Energienachfrage privater Haushalte und ihre Bedeutung für den Klimaschutz - Volkswirtschaftliche Analysen zur deutschen und europäischen Klimapolitik mit einem technologiefundierten Allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodell“, 2016 (in Bearbeitung).
Beestermöller & Fahl (2013) Beestermöller, R.; Fahl, U.: „Impacts of German energy policies on the competitiveness of national energy intensive industries“, Fullpaper at the EcoMod2013 International Conference on Economic Modeling, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague (1-3 July 2013).
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Fouré et al. (2012) Fouré, J.; Bénassy-Quéré, A.; Fontagné, L.: „The Great Shift: Macroeconomic projections for the world economy at the 2050 horizon“, CEPII working paper 2012-03, (March 2012).
Geres et al. (2016) Geres, R.; Kohn, A.; Nickel, F.; Scholz, D.; Mühlpointner, T.; Sternhardt, M.; Beestermöller, R.; Fahl, U.; Blesl, M.; Haasz, T.; Brunke, J.-C.: „Ausgestaltung des EU-Emissionshandels nach 2020 und seine Auswirkungen – insbesondere auf die industrielle Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und die Energiewirtschaft – unter Berücksichtigung von Optionen zur Vermeidung von Carbon Leakage“, FutureCamp Holding GmbH; FutureCamp Climate GmbH; Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung (IER) der Universität Stuttgart, Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) , Schlussbericht zum Vorhaben 06/15, (2016).
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IEA (2009) International Energy Agency (IEA): „Electricity Information 2009“, Paris : OECD Publishing, 2009.
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Küster et al. (2009) Küster, R.; Ellersdorfer, I.; Voß, A.: „Economic Impacts of EU Climate Policy Targets Accounting for No-Regret Options – Scenario Analyses with NEWAGE-W“, eine Studie für die BASF AG, Stuttgart (2009).
Küster (2009) Küster, R.: „Klimaschutz, Volkswirtschaft und Beschäftigung - Analysen zur deutschen und europäischen Klimaschutzpolitik mit einem berechenbaren allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodell“, Berlin : Mensch und Buch Verl., 2009 (Climate protection).
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Rutherford (1999) Rutherford, T. F.: „Applied General Equilibrium Modeling with MPSGE as a GAMS Subsystem: An Overview of the Modeling Framework and Syntax“, In: Computational Economics 14 (1999), 1-2, S. 1–46.
Rutherford (2010) Rutherford, T. F.: „GTAP7inGAMS“, Center for Energy Policy and Economics, Department of Management, Technology and Economics ETH Zurich, Working paper, (April 2010).
Rutherford & Paltsev (2000) Rutherford, T. F.; Paltsev, S.: „GTAPinGAMS and GTAP-EG: Global Datasets for Economic Research and Illustrative Models“, Department of Economics, University of Colorado, Working paper, (September 2000).
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