
Economic viability calculator to assess solar local heat systems for quarters

General information

SolarEDA+ (Solar Easy District Analysis Plus) is a calculator for the economic viability to assess solar local heat systems for the provision of quarters. The specific production costs of technologies free production site according to the full cost approach of VDI 2067 provide the parameter for the economic viability of local heat systems. SolarEDA+ thus allows a comparative assessment of the economic viability of different local heat systems. The assessment ratio specific heat supply costs have been additionally introduced in order to take into account the investments in the heat distribution network. Furthermore, SolarEDA+ provides information on the technology input, the final energy consumption and the CO2-emissions for each local heat system.

Development and technical information

SolarEDA+ has been developed within the joint research project  SolnetBW II - Solare Wärmenetze für Baden-Württemberg at IER. It has been developed from the EDA-Tool1,2 in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). You can find further information on the development and on the project in the final report.

1 Bles, M.; Stehle, M. (2017): Annex TS 1: Low Temperature District Heating for Future Energy Systems - Subtask A: Methods and Planning Tools, Stuttgart.
2 Stehle, M.; Blesl, M.; Huther, H. (2017): Case Study of Low Temperature District Heating - Technical, Ecological and Economic Framework Conditions, EuroHeat&Power, Vol. 14 IV/2017, S. 42-49. 

Schematic picture of SolarEDA+

Handbook and download


The SolarEDA+ handbook contains information about installing and using the  SolarEDA+ excel-tool.


You can download the SolarEDA+ excel-tool as ZIP-archive (23,9 MB). The handbook contains further information.

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This image shows Markus Blesl

Markus Blesl

apl. Prof. Dr.

Assistant professor
Head of Research Department

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