This image shows Yichen Xu

Yichen Xu


Research Associate
System-analytical Methods and Heat Market


+49 711 685 87858
+49 711 685 87873

Heßbrühlstr. 49a
70565 Stuttgart

  • 09.2013 – 07.2017: Dual-degree study in Chemical Engineering (B.Eng.) at the East China University of Science and Technology , Shanghai, China

  • 03.2016 – 07.2017: Dual-degree study in Environmental Engineering (B.Sc.) at the Fachhochschule Lübeck (now as “Technische Hochschule Lübeck”), Lübeck, Germany

    Thesis: Simplified Coupled Groundwater Flow and Thermodynamic Modelling of Pumping and Redox Processes

  • 10.2017 – 05.2020: Study in WASTE Program (M.Sc.) at the University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
    Thesis: Energy Balance of Energy-Saving Strategies in In-situ Thermal Remediation Using Thermal Conductive Heating Lances
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